Reflections - Looking Back On First Quarter 2024

Looking to beat the winter chill, we kicked off our 2024 programming indoors at Winterthur's Skills Park. Despite the cold, the warmth and exuberance of all the parents, caregivers, and children made it worthwhile. With boundless energy, the children bounced on indoor trampolines, zoomed around on scooters and bikes in the indoor skate park, played catch or hide and seek, all topped off with the timeless delight of chicken nuggets and fries. This inaugural event set the stage for a quarter filled with growth and connection for our community.

In January, we inaugurated our Parents, Caregivers & Allies Dinner series, initiated and led by Afro Swiss Families Parent, Dee. We embarked on a gastronomic voyage to The Caribbean, where amidst the tantalising aromas of Afro-Latin cuisine, connections were deepened, laughter echoed, and heartfelt conversations flowed freely. These shared moments over delectable dishes epitomised the essence of community—a heartfelt thank you to Dee for igniting this spark.

February saw the second edition of the Afro Swiss Families painting party, hosted at the Family Center in Winterthur. It was a delightful afternoon brimming with laughter, creativity, and vibrant acrylic artworks created by our budding young artists. The camaraderie among parents, caregivers, and children alike was palpable—a testament to the unifying power of art and togetherness.

March brought the launch of our Loving Me Series of Workshops, facilitated by the wonderful Afi Kreyling, a speech therapist, teacher, parent, and founder of Miniglotte. Focused on 'Raising Multilingual Children,' Afi's insights proved invaluable, equipping us with essential tools and prompting reflection on our multilingual upbringing experiences. The communal spirit continued with our Easter Potluck Lunch, held at the spacious GZ Hottingen. Friends old and new brought a delicious array of dishes, from puff puffs to cinnamon rolls, Mac & Cheese, to vegetarian pies and quiches, to hearty stews from various continents and cuisines. Amidst the delectable spread, friendships flourished, and memories were made, with parents and caregivers taking turns looking after the little ones or playing the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ for a game of catch. The day concluded at a nearby park where the little ones hunted Easter nests, scrambled up and down trees and jungle gyms, and we all enjoyed a wonderful spring afternoon.

While the past few months have been busy, we would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to our ever-supportive community of parents, caregivers, supporters and allies. Your unwavering support, whether through attendance, advice, spreading the word, or supporting the group with membership, has been instrumental in shaping Afro Swiss Families into the nurturing space it is today—a place where all, especially our children, are seen, heard, and valued.

With so much of the year ahead, we eagerly anticipate the upcoming Meet & Plays, Parent, Caregiver & Allies Dinners, and Workshops.

For this year's Meet & Play or Parents & Caregivers programs, click on the links provided.


Glossary - Words Matter